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'omoorem' wrote:

Hi all. Am going on the 5th October 2012 Australia with Singapore add on. Fortunately for me my surgery haven't suggested Japanese Encephalitis vaccine for this tour. My surgery accesses "Travax" site for vaccinations. Unfortunately this UK site cant be accessed by the public. But is very similar to "Fit for travel". It only advises "Jap B encephalitis" if visiting rural areas or rice paddy fields in Singapore or the "Torres Islands" off Australia. Looking forward to a once in a life time holiday. Cant wait !!!

Hi Omoorem,

Looking forward to seeing you on this tour. Hopefully see you at Heathrow on our way out.

Japanese Encephatlitis for me was 50/50 chance if I had the injections but upon their recommendations and with me having diabetes and the replies from JY I thought it was better to be "Safe than Sorry".

They also recommended I have Tenanus and Typhoid booster injections which I am having this week.

See you in 4 weeks time


Hi all. Am going on the 5th October 2012 Australia with Singapore add on. Fortunately for me my surgery haven't suggested Japanese Encephalitis vaccine for this tour. My surgery accesses "Travax" site for vaccinations. Unfortunately this UK site cant be accessed by the public. But is very similar to "Fit for travel". It only advises "Jap B encephalitis" if visiting rural areas or rice paddy fields in Singapore or the "Torres Islands" off Australia. Looking forward to a once in a life time holiday. Cant wait !!!
Hi Eric,

I'm glad you have spoken further with your surgery and hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Kindest regards


Thank you Julia and Sylvia for your thoughts and information on JE.

With further talks with my surgery this morning and also information I have found on the internet I have concluded that "prevention is better than cure" so I have opted for the vaccinations for JE.

Again thank you for your time and effort regarding this subject.


Hi Eric,

Ben is away today but has asked me to update you when we had some news from our product manager regarding JE;

"From our readings of the Department of Health and Ageing website, Japanese Encephalitis is a disease caused by mosquito-borne virus. As such it has not been known to occur in dry, desert regions such as Ayers Rock or Alice Springs. According to the website, the only known case to occur in Mainland Australia (1 case on Mainland Australia since 1995) has been in a rural area of far North Queensland (not Cairns, but approx 800km north in the Cape York region, an area our tours do not visit).

Please see below for the Department of Health and Ageing website: 

For more information:  "

It is important to note that our product managers and the overseas agents that we use are not a medical authority and the information provided above has been taken from the specified websites and therefore cannot and should not be a substitute for the advice of your GP.

Kindest regards


Hi Eric

When it comes to vaccinations I always look on the NaTHNaC website as they give advice on each individual country. I then make up my own mind about what to have. I've been to countries where rabies and JE is present, but chose not to have a vaccination. My motto is to practice good hygiene, do not touch wild animals and use copious amounts of insect repellent as well as a plug in adaptor for the bedroom. I'm not sure whether you would be considered more at risk because of your diabetes. If you were to catch JE, the GP surgery, in their defence, would say they had advised you to have the vaccine. So the choice is really yours. It might be money well spent if the vaccine covers you for many years...

Happy holidays


'Ben' wrote:

Good afternoon Eric,

I hope you're well, this isn't something we would be able to directly advise on, we cannot give any medical guidance out what so ever unfortunately, I have asked our product manager to ask the question, but I must make clear that, even if there haven't been reported cases, this shouldn't be taken as a reason not to have the vaccination.

I'm afraid you will have to go on the advice of your GP if anything,

Ill let you know in due course,


Thanks Ben for your reply,

I know you (JY) would not be able to give any medical advice on what injections I should have and thank you for having your production manager ask the question regarding this infection sometimes in mosquito infected areas of Australia.

I think we would be pretty safe in urban areas, my concern was around Aryers Rock and when on excursions.

Looking forward to hear what the production manager finds out.



Ben 12 years ago
Good afternoon Eric,

I hope you're well, this isn't something we would be able to directly advise on, we cannot give any medical guidance out what so ever unfortunately, I have asked our product manager to ask the question, but I must make clear that, even if there haven't been reported cases, this shouldn't be taken as a reason not to have the vaccination.

I'm afraid you will have to go on the advice of your GP if anything,

Ill let you know in due course,

Thanks Eric,


Good morning Ben,

I have been to my Doctors today for a health check for my forthcoming trip to Singapore, Australia and New Zealand in October.

Because I have type 2 diabetes the health nurse looked what type of vaccinations I would require for these Destinations.

I am OK and only require booster jabs for Tetanus & Typoid but when she looked on the following site : it brought up "Japenses encephalitis".

Unfortunately the vaccine is not on the NHS and over all cost would be £162.84. she is recommending me to have it.

Has JY had any notification of Japenese encephalitis especially in rual areas ( for example: Aryes Rock, Alice Springs and on excursions in rual areas)?

I am reluctant to spend £162.84 on an injection that is not required but at the same time very aware of the consequences of the seriousness of the infection if not vaccinated.
