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Hi Ben thank you very much for your very informative bundle of information, as I intend to do this trip sooner rather than later it will be very useful

Ange S

Ben 12 years ago
Good morning Frank,

Thanks for sending the details over. OK, so the flight departs from Manchester at 05:55, lands in Amsterdam at 08:25, the flight from Amsterdam at Lima departs at 12:30, arriving in 19:15 local time. As the flight from Manchester is early morning, I would recommend an overnight at Manchester, I did it recently and its very easy, there are plenty of nice hotels that offer free transfer services to the terminals,

I hope this helps,



Hello Ben

The planned trip is Peru with Amazon add on 5th March 2013.

I intend to fly from Manchester and wish to know flight times out and return and it also seems overnight stay in London?

Cheers Frank

Ben 12 years ago
Good afternoon Frank,

I have a confession! I cannot seem to see your question regarding flights, did you want to know times etc? Sorry, its very manic here and sometimes I think I lose the plot a little!



'Ben' wrote:

Good morning everyone,

As I have had quite a few questions on the Peru tour, I thought I would copy in the information we send out to customers who have booked on, as you'll see below it contains all sorts of wonderful information on everything Peru!

I hope this helps!




*Information correct as of 27/07/2012


Please find below some general information and guidelines for your forthcoming holiday with us.

Currency Information

Nuevo (new) Sol (PEN; symbol S/.) = 100 céntimos. Nuevo Sol notes are in denominations of S/.200, 100, 50, 20 and 10. Coins are in denominations of S/.5, 2 and 1, and 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 céntimos.

Note: US Dollars are also in use and accepted for payment, particularly in tourist areas. While effectively interchangeable, it is best to use local currency wherever possible.

USD $ can be exchanged in resort and your Tour Manager will be happy to advise during the tour.

Currency restriction

There are no restrictions on the import or export of local or foreign currency, but amounts exceeding US$10,000 must be declared.

Credit cards

All major credit cards are accepted, but usage may be limited outside of Lima and tourist areas. Visa and MasterCard are the most commonly accepted. It is also sensible to carry some cash rather than rely on cards.


ATMs are now generally regarded as one of the best ways to obtain money in Peru. They are found almost everywhere, including in small towns, although when travelling in remote places it is best to have some cash just in case the nearby ATMs are not working or have run out of money. In bigger cities, use ATMs inside banks for greater security, especially at night. Many banks have gun-carrying security guards.


Tipping has not been part of the British way of life but it is a common practice in most holiday destinations. It is a way of saying thank you to someone who has given good service or for a job well done. It is also an important source of income for people working in the tourism industry, whether it is the driver, local guide or hotel staff. Your Tour Manager will be able to advise you of what an appropriate amount is and when to give it.

Generally as a guideline, a suggested amount for the guide would be £1 - £2 per person per day, and £1 per person, per day for the driver (or the equivalent in local currency 4.25 PEN – 8.50 PEN) or USD $ 3-4$.

Tipping for your Tour Manager is at your discretion, however you may wish to show your appreciation if you have received an excellent service.

Tips or gratuities are not included in the holiday cost and are totally at your discretion.

Duty-free allowance

The following items may be imported by visitors over 18 years of age into Peru without incurring customs duty:

• 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco.

• Alcoholic beverages not exceeding 2.5l.

• Gifts or new articles for personal use up to a value of US$300.

• 2kg of processed food.

Note: If importing sausages, salami, ham or cheese, a sanitary certificate from the manufacturer is required.

Banned imports

The import of raw ham from Italy and Portugal is prohibited.

Banned exports

The export of artistic or cultural articles is prohibited. Taking protected plant and animal species out of Peru is also prohibited – this can include products containing seeds and feathers

Climate & Clothing

Dec-April - are much warmer months and still warm at altitude. The mornings and evenings can be quite cold as you are higher but the daytime temperatures in the sun can be very warm indeed.

June-August – can be very cold and warm, winter clothing is required - especially at night time. There is a huge difference in climate from the arid desert coastline and the Andean region.

Rain can be expected in the Andes between December and April. Showers are generally torrential but brief. Due to altitude the nights are cold year round.

Required Clothing

For travel in Peru, a variety of clothes are necessary. You will need very lightweight clothes for summer on the coast, and thermals, hats, gloves and ski jackets for winter up in the mountains. It can become freezing at night at altitude and remain hot and sticky during the nights in the jungle. Waterproof clothing is recommended for the rainy season. Please advise clients that they will also require a pair of flips or comfortable flat shoes to wear around their lodge in the jungle (Only if you are doing the Amazon extension).


This tour visits high altitudes in excess of 12,000 feet, where altitude sickness can occur. This tour has been designed to allow a more gradual increase in altitude, giving you more time to adjust to the lower oxygen levels. Other simple measures, such as eating light meals and drinking lots of fluids can also help to alleviate the symptoms. It is advisable to limit alcoholic drinks which can be dehydrating. Some hotels will provide coca tea, a local remedy, which can help. Walking slowly and allowing time to rest is important.

If you have any medical queries it is always advisable to check with your doctor. If you have access to the internet the website can give some good free information on all medical areas.

The highest point you will reach is 4321 metres (14,176 feet) en route between Cuzco and Puno. As a rough guide other high altitudes are at Cuzco (3360m, 11,023 feet), Puno (3827m, 12,555 feet) and Lake Titicaca (3812m, 12,507 feet).

Food & Drink

The hot and spicy nature of Peruvian food, created by ají and ajo (garlic and hot pepper), has become celebrated at home and abroad. However, there are plenty of non-spicy dishes going too, so you’ll be able to find something you like.

Peruvians enjoy a wide variety of vegetables; there are over 2,000 kinds of indigenous and cultivated potatoes alone. Table service is the norm in hotels and restaurants and many also offer buffet-type lunches. The menús del día are a good way to experience local foods at low prices, but brace yourself for lots of carbs and unidentifiable meats. While you’re at the coastal regions in particular you should take advantage of the cheap, delicious and varied fruits available from the markets (but don’t forget to peel them!).


• Ceviche (uncooked fish marinated in lemon or lime juice and hot chilli pepper).

• Cuy (roasted guinea pig, a Peruvian speciality; served complete with head, teeth, claws and whiskers).

• Causa relleña (potato cakes with chicken in the centre, but also cooked with avocado or crabmeat).

• Tamales (boiled corn dumplings filled with meat and wrapped in a banana leaf).

• Mazamorra morada (purple maize and sweet potato starch jelly cooked with lemons, dried fruits, cinnamon and cloves).

• Salchipapas (particularly popular in Chiclayo, this sausage and chips dish is eaten as an evening snack in many fast food-style restaurants).

• Papas a la Huancaína (boiled sliced potatoes served on lettuce with a slightly spicy cheese sauce, and either a piece of hard-boiled egg or olives; popular in Lima and along the central coast, and often part of menús del día).

• Pollo a la Brasa (chargrilled chicken which has been gutted and cooked over a flame; served with chips and salad with sauces).

• Chicharrones (salted pork fried in its own fat).

N.B Due to the altitude in Cuzco and at Lake Titicaca it is best to act with restraint if consuming alcohol.

Things to know

On the coast, the fish that comes with menús del día is good quality. In the mountain towns, expect to eat a lot of soup/broth with your menús. You can find excellent foods of all types in Lima, particularly in Miraflores. Every town has a market, and you can create your own picnics and shop for dinner here.


Service charges of 10% are added to bills. Additional tips of 5-10% are expected in better restaurants, while rounding up the bill or adding a few Soles is appreciated in small restaurants.

Electricity Voltage

The standard voltage in Peru is 220 volts AC, 60Hz.

For your safety

If you’re exploring on your own we recommend you carry a card or brochure from the hotel with its name on it which you can then give to a taxi driver in case you become lost.

Please make a note of our local agent's telephone number in-case you encounter any difficulties during your stay and your representative/Tour Manager is not contactable:

Problems of pick-pocketing of handbags and passports can be common in South America especially in the major cities, as in any major tourist destination. We would warn you always to be careful of your personal belongings and not to carry your passports/extra cash/credit cards etc unless necessary. These should be left in a hotel safe where possible.

You should be particularly careful of handbags and wallets - where you need to carry money and documents it is advisable to use a money belt under your clothes rather than an exposed one.


At the time of writing no compulsory vaccinations are required by UK residents visiting Peru but immunisation against Yellow Fever, Malaria, Typhoid and Polio are advised, however we recommend you consult your doctor or Local Health Authority nearer to your date of travel for up-to-date advice.

*A Yellow Fever vaccination certificate must be presented on arrival to the country if you are coming from a Yellow Fever-infected country. Such countries include Colombia, Brazil, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, French Guyana, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Gambia and Sudan.

A leaflet entitled 'Health Advice for Travellers' is available from the Department of Health and you can contact them for a copy on 0800 555 777 (this is a free-phone number).

Health insurance is recommended. Reliable medical services are available. Standards of health and hygiene are among the best in Latin America, although public facilities may not come up to par with developed countries.


You will find that in some hotels in Peru there is not always uniformity of rooms, so size and shape may vary a great deal. We cannot therefore guarantee that all rooms for our customers will be the same in each property.

Hotels in South America do not have Coffee and Tea making facilities in the rooms.

Tap water

Mains water is normally heavily chlorinated and, whilst relatively safe, may cause mild abdominal upsets. Drinking water outside main cities and towns may be contaminated and sterilisation is advisable. Bottled water is available and is advised for the duration of the stay. Milk is pasteurised and dairy products are safe for consumption. Local meat, poultry, seafood, fruit and vegetables are generally considered safe to eat.

Time zones

Peru is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


Some coaches used on our South American tours may be equipped with toilets and washbasin however this cannot be guaranteed. In all cases, regular comfort stops are made to ensure a relaxing journey.

Please note that smoking is not permitted on any of our coaches.

Extra charges

Please note that payment for any extras such as drinks, laundry, telephone calls extras luggage and meals other than those included in your tour price, must be made directly to your hotel prior to departure

Lost property

We will endeavour to trace any lost property and provide you with contact details in order that you may recover your property.


Many of our tours take in local shops and markets and some will visit factory shops or outlets, selling a range of goods. However we cannot accept responsibility for the quality of the goods you have purchased or for any costs you may incur in having them delivered to your home address.

Please ensure you have a clear understanding of the price you have agreed with the vendor and the conversion rate of local currency to sterling pounds, before signing for the sale either in cash or using your credit card. Please exercise care when using your PIN number abroad making sure it is not visible to others.

Thanks Ben

Did you manage to get the flight details from Manchester and return for the Peru trip 5th March 2013?

Cheers Frank

'zztop27' wrote:

Hi Frank. I remember you (The scuba diver) from Australia last year . I am also thinking about Peru next year and am considering the 5th March 2013 departure. Maybe see you then.

Pete ............

Hi Pete

Yes OZ was a great holiday.Holiday in Spain this year and off to Norway in November hopefully to see Northern Lights.

I am planning to do the Peru trip 5th March which is on my 'buckit list' :)

Cheers Frank

Ben 12 years ago
Hi Bob,

No problems, all I can suggest for the minute is that due to the new Just You brochure not yet being available and as I haven't seen a preliminary copy to date due to it still being production, I wouldn't like to speculate on what will be featured, the new brochure is due out September, all the information will be included in there to answer your queries,



Thanks Ben,

so I can take it that folks who go on this holiday will be offered places to eat lunch and dinner, so we wouldn't have to go to markets and supermarkets to buy food for picnics (as the blurb suggests!)?

Best wishes,


Ben 12 years ago
Good afternoon Bob,

Apologies, I was working my way towards answering your post. In respect of food, in the information I pasted, there is a paragraph that states - ' The hot and spicy nature of Peruvian food, created by ají and ajo (garlic and hot pepper), has become celebrated at home and abroad. However, there are plenty of non-spicy dishes going too, so you’ll be able to find something you like.' The hotels do offer dinner yes and with all hotels, they offer foods that will suit all tastes so don't worry about that.

Regarding the climate, (sadly) I have never been, I intend too one day! There are many answers to your question that come from researching on the internet, I think you will find these websites particularly useful and make for interesting reading - 

I hope this helps, anything else please just ask,



'BGray' wrote:

Hi Ben thanks for the info but it has raised a few more questions! In the early part of the year (Jan-Mar) is it very hot and humid in the Amazon? Also I've been put off a bit by the description of the food! I hope there will be lots of palatable non-spicy options and I presume the hotels offer dinner as I don't like the idea of having to shop in markets etc and having a DIY that the case?



Hi Ben, any answers to these questions?

Best wishes,
