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Hi Steve, flew back into Heathrow terminal 5 yesterday and whilst it was fairly busy, there were no long queues at immigration. Think they have got their act together, as they say! Sue D (tour manager)
'SylviaJ' wrote:

Hi Steve

I used Heathrow on 3 and 10 June in the afternoon and evening without problems. There was not much of a queue on outward flight. The return flight was busier although I have a new "CHIP" passport so did not have to join the queue that was forming. Those transferring to other flights use a different area so I am not sure what the situation would be like there.

I do think that after the bad press the government and UKBA have gripped and you should have no probs, but don't quote me!

Enjoy your trip.


Hi Sylvia, thanks for your reply. That's given me a little more piece of mind! It's amazing how items of bad press get widely reported, then disappear from the public mind just as things are (hopefully) getting better.



Hi Steve

I used Heathrow on 3 and 10 June in the afternoon and evening without problems. There was not much of a queue on outward flight. The return flight was busier although I have a new "CHIP" passport so did not have to join the queue that was forming. Those transferring to other flights use a different area so I am not sure what the situation would be like there.

I do think that after the bad press the government and UKBA have gripped and you should have no probs, but don't quote me!

Enjoy your trip.


Hello everyone. I read with interest the recent discussions regarding the lack of departure airports "up North", with most tours leaving from Heathrow. This July I have booked to go on the Rhine Valley by River, which entails a connecting flight from Manchester to Heathow and vice-versa upon return, thankfully before the Olympics. As my return connecting flight has changed from Sunday 15th to Saturday 14th, I am wondering what sort of delay to expect at the Heathrow UK border control. My flight from Stuttgart is scheduled to land about 19:55 on the Saturday evening, with around 90 minutes to connect to my onward flight to Manchester.

Has anyone been caught up in the widely reported delays at Immigration, or are Saturday evenings relatively "quiet" at Heathrow? I still have a hotel booked in the Heathrow area for the Saturday night, which I booked independently from JY, (which I could cancel, without penalty before the holiday), or do you think that I should hold onto it in case the worst comes to the worst? Any opinions or feedback would be grarefully received!