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Hi Sheila

Most of our customers are nervous before their first holiday with us but you will be amazed at how quickly you relax and start to enjoy yourself when you meet up with the group!

I don't have information on how many are flying from Manchester but I can tell you that there will be 25 people in the group overall - four men and 21 women, with ages from mid 40s to late 70s. Your tour manager will be Bernadette Kelly and she will meet you at Gatwick. There may be an airport rep at Manchester if enough Just You customers are also getting the same flight but if not, don't worry - airline and airport staff will be very happy to point you in the right direction.

Have a great holiday.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

I know it's a while off yet, but can you tell me what the age range is on the above tour and if anyone else travelling with Just You is travelling from Manchester to Gatwick to join the tour. I am hoping that there will be others of my age group there with me. Also can you tell me who will be the tour manager on that date? I will be flying down to Gatwick from Manchester the previous day and am wondering if there will be a Just You rep at Manchester to help if needed and also at Gatwick on the flight arrival? Sorry if I sound like I am panicking....... but, it being my first time away on my own, I am!!!!!!!! Thanks.
