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Avon soft skin does the trick, no need for tablets. went last august on this trip, had the most amazing time, you will really love it, make sure you have binoculars and camera to hand at all times, lots of wildlife to spot. Enjoy
Hello Olly, Hils and Lynne

Thank you so much for your answers, you more or less confirmed what I thought. I wouldn't normally question a low risk area and have never been told to take antimalarials when going to one, I just found "malaria present in LP throughout the year" a bit confusing as it seems to suggest its general rather than a particular area.

It so happened I had to speak to the Travel Nurse this morning on another matter and took the opportunity to ask her about Costa Rica, she told me the low risk area hasn't changed for several years, its just the area around Matina where there is a problem. This looks to be a great holiday, don't know why I haven't done it before, I would be very disappointed if I couldn't go. Must get some Avon!!

'Avocet64' wrote:

[/i][/b]Hello Olly

Have you been to Costa Rica (or any other JY travellers), if so were you advised to take antimalaria tablets for this holiday? I am hoping to make Costa Rica my next holiday destination when the new brochure comes out and I can see what dates will be available.

I have looked on the fitfortravel.nhs website and from what I can see from the intinerary all the places we would travel to come under the

no risk/low risk - antimalarials not usually advised zone, which I take to mean the "deet/cover up especially after sunset" routine. The reason I ask is that Tortuguero NP is in the Limón Province where, according to the same nhs website, malaria is present throughout the year, but Limón Province covers a large area and looking at the map Tortuguero looks well away from the antimalarials advised zone.

Of course, as usual, I would seek proper medical advice on the matter but I am unable to take the antimalarials recommended for Costa Rica and I am just wondering what general travel advice is being given to people.

Many thanks


I've just come back from CR (and Tortuguero) and wasn't advised to take anti malarials. I was advised not to be bitten (!) but that was more because of the risk of dengue fever, and not being bitten is the way to go with that! And against all odds, I managed that via a mixture of vitamin B pills, jungle formula spray and Avon skin-so-soft! I used to suffer a lot from mosquito bites but this time round I was more of a draw for butterflies!

I do hope you enjoy your visit and I'm sure your doctor will give you the right advice for you.

Best wishes,


'Avocet64' wrote:

[/i][/b]Hello Olly

Have you been to Costa Rica (or any other JY travellers), if so were you advised to take antimalaria tablets for this holiday? I am hoping to make Costa Rica my next holiday destination when the new brochure comes out and I can see what dates will be available.

I have looked on the fitfortravel.nhs website and from what I can see from the intinerary all the places we would travel to come under the

no risk/low risk - antimalarials not usually advised zone, which I take to mean the "deet/cover up especially after sunset" routine. The reason I ask is that Tortuguero NP is in the Limón Province where, according to the same nhs website, malaria is present throughout the year, but Limón Province covers a large area and looking at the map Tortuguero looks well away from the antimalarials advised zone.

Of course, as usual, I would seek proper medical advice on the matter but I am unable to take the antimalarials recommended for Costa Rica and I am just wondering what general travel advice is being given to people.

Many thanks


I did this tour a couple of years ago and we didn't have to take anti-malaria pills. It is a superb trip - especially if you like wildlife and coffee! Thoroughly recommended.


It sounds like you are doing all the right things - mainly taking proper medical advice. I would always follow the doctor's advice over anyone else's.

I have visited Costa Rica briefly. I flew into San Jose and took a coach to the coast at Costa Limon. I didn't take any malaria tablets for that journey but as you will be there for much longer, the doctor's advice may be very different.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

[/i][/b]Hello Olly

Have you been to Costa Rica (or any other JY travellers), if so were you advised to take antimalaria tablets for this holiday? I am hoping to make Costa Rica my next holiday destination when the new brochure comes out and I can see what dates will be available.

I have looked on the fitfortravel.nhs website and from what I can see from the intinerary all the places we would travel to come under the

no risk/low risk - antimalarials not usually advised zone, which I take to mean the "deet/cover up especially after sunset" routine. The reason I ask is that Tortuguero NP is in the Limón Province where, according to the same nhs website, malaria is present throughout the year, but Limón Province covers a large area and looking at the map Tortuguero looks well away from the antimalarials advised zone.

Of course, as usual, I would seek proper medical advice on the matter but I am unable to take the antimalarials recommended for Costa Rica and I am just wondering what general travel advice is being given to people.

Many thanks