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Hi Andy

I've heard lots of good things about Jana so I'm sure you'll all have a great time.

I checked your connecting flight again but this hasn't been confirmed yet. I wouldn't like to guess what it will be but if you can ask again in a few weeks I should be able to tell you more.

Kind regards,

Oll, your editor

Hi Olly

Thanks thats great, I had the pleasure of Jana's experience from Last Year. And she is definately a terrific little Tour Manager

I would like to know however if I Could have a rough idea of when my connecting flight from Glasgow to Gatwick would be please. Really the earlier the flight from Glasgow the Better for me

Regards Andy

Hi Andy

Details of your connecting flights aren't showing yet but I can tell you that so far 13 people have booked - six men and seven women - and your tour manager is Jana Martinikova.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

Can you please tell me as to what time my connecting flight from Glasgow to Gatwick will be please. I was wondering whether I will have enough time between flights, To make arrangements of booking into one of the lounges. I did this holiday with Just You last Easter and this is what I managed to do. Also could you please let me know as to how many folk are on this trip, And the male to female ratio, aswell as who our Tour Manager shall be

Regards Andy