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I did this trip last year - great! Beautiful scenery especially with all the snow and lots to see.

Most amusing moment - some hired a taxi to go to midnight mass and the taxi driver didn't know where the cathedral was!

You will thoroughly enjoy.

Hi Mick

Your tour manager is David Moore.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor


Do you know who the tour manager is ?



Hi Mick

Great news - It'll be a lovely place to spend Christmas.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

The number as just gone up by one male, decided to go for it.
Hi Mick

So far 23 people have booked this holiday and there are still places available. We have six men and 17 women, with ages ranging from mid 40s to early 80s.

I hiked around Lake Annecy when I was younger. It's a beautiful part of the world with some lovely views of the Alps.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly,

How many are booked on this holiday (departing 22nd december) ?

How many places are left ?

Is it a good split age range & male/female ratio ?

