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'Olly' wrote:

Hi Trish

At the moment it is only possible to request current brochures so the best thing for you might be to sign up to receive our regular emails. These will tell you about new brochures, new tours and all our latest special offers.

To register, click here: 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly,

Thanks, I get them now, so was just checking I would keep being sent these.

Trish G

Hi Trish

At the moment it is only possible to request current brochures so the best thing for you might be to sign up to receive our regular emails. These will tell you about new brochures, new tours and all our latest special offers.

To register, click here: 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly,

Due to work committmetns in 2012, I'm unable to book a main holiday.

Can I be kept on your mailing lists for future holidays.


Trish G