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Ben 12 years ago

I have started the thread below,

Hope this is OK and people find it helpful,

Thanks very much,


Ben 12 years ago
Morning Marie,

I don't have the facility to pass this onto everyone as I have no way of tying members on the forum to bookings in our reservation system. I will gladly start a thread though with that information in, I'm sure people will find it 🙂

Thanks very much,



This is good news but i am not sure that everyone knows this . could you let everyone know


Ben 12 years ago
Hi Marie,

Yes that's correct, the £150 limit does apply,

Thanks very much and have a great trip, not long now! 🙂

Best wishes,



Does the £150 limit apply to the Austrailian trip in Nov too


Ben 12 years ago
Good morning Jan,

I have had a look at the wording in the paperwork and I agree its a little confusing, I will get this looked at, thank you for pointing it out.

In response, you can pay for optionals with NZ$ or you may use credit card for any optionals which are more than £150.

I hope this helps,

Thanks very much and have a super time 🙂


Hi Olly

Apologies if I am asking a stupid question but I am off to NZ next week and my paperwork states that payments for excursions should be made in the appropriate currency but then on the following pages the cost of each excursion in stated in £ not NZ$. Please could you let me know if this means that the excursions can be paid for in sterling? Thanks.