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Hello again

Our celebrity survey will only be available for one more week so if you can spare a minute or two to fill it in, we'd be very grateful.

Here are a few of the most popular answers so far:

Which celebrity would make a great tour manager?

Graham Norton and Julie Walters

Which celebrity do you associate with Just You?

Michael Palin and Joanna Lumley

To have your say, click here: 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor


Which TV personality do you think would make a great tour leader? And which celebrity would be your nightmare holiday companion?

These and a few other fun questions all feature in our new survey and we would be very grateful if you spare a minute or two to fill it in.

Just click on this link to take part: 

I'll share the results on this thread in a few weeks' time.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor