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'jan wrote:

Hi, I am going on this trip 12 October and I know we have to re-pack our bags for the safari half of the holiday. Is there anywhere to do this at Mombassa airport?

Jan :huh:

Hi Jan,

I go on this trip on 28th Sept and after reading previous info on the forum I have decided to take a soft sports holdall with things in for the safari section. Then at Mombassa just transfer toiletries from my other case. I hope to use the holdall as cabin luggage. I don't think I would get everying in my case and be under the luggage allowance!! I am just waiting for confirmation on both the allowances and cabin bag size when the info on tickets etc arrives (hopefully soon!!!!!!!!!!)

I hope this helps!



Hi Jan

If I were you I would pre-pack the soft-sided holdall for the safari part of your trip, then pack this inside your main luggage. This way, it will be very easy to divide your things at the airport.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi, I am going on this trip 12 October and I know we have to re-pack our bags for the safari half of the holiday. Is there anywhere to do this at Mombassa airport?

Jan :huh: