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Ben 13 years ago
Good Afternoon Gerry,

Thanks for your inquiry, there are currently 12 passengers, with a further 18 places available but these are likely to fill up so there's nothing to be concerned about, 12 is a nice number for a tour though. Ages range from 43 to 73. The majority of passengers are all around the same age as yourself,

Hope this puts your mind at rest,

All the best


Ger 13 years ago

I posted a thread to try to meet any other people that may also be taking part in the Highlights of Thailand tour, due to depart on 15th September.

There doesn't seem to be anyone else (perhaps they haven't joined the community forum etc) who is? Would you please be able to tell me how may others are already booked - as I was getting slightly nervous about it...

Also, would you be able to tell me if there are any other people around my age - I'm 44.

