In regards to your query about your connecting flights, can you please supply your booking reference number to me and I will get someone to give you a call from our contact center, I am not best placed to answer this for you,
Kind Regards
I am booked on this tour flying from Gatwick on 8 September. I have also booked a connecting flight from Machester. but as yet there are no details of the Manchester flight. As the Gatwick flight leaves at 07.40 I am presuming that it may be the night before?
Is there any chance this can be confirmed one way or the other rather than wait for the flights to be confirmed 2 weeks before we travel as it says in the documentation? If it is going to be the night before I am wondering if I should be booking overnight accommodation at Gatwick. But what time would we need to be at Gatwick airport if the flight is at 07.40? I have seen other posts for earlier travel dates where people have talked about staying over night for this tour. Can you help Ollie? Thanks
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