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'Olly' wrote:

Hi Sue

I'm afraid I can't give you any advice on medical matters. You should always check with your GP about these things as they are the experts.

I can tell you that China will be a lovely temperature in September. It could vary from around 15 degrees to as high as 25 degrees so I would pack for summer weather. Your tour manager will be John Drylie.

Have a great trip.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Thanks will check again with doctor rather than nurse

Hi Sue

I'm afraid I can't give you any advice on medical matters. You should always check with your GP about these things as they are the experts.

I can tell you that China will be a lovely temperature in September. It could vary from around 15 degrees to as high as 25 degrees so I would pack for summer weather. Your tour manager will be John Drylie.

Have a great trip.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

I have juat had jabs for hepatitis A, Diphtheria, Tetanus, & polio, the nurse said I should not need Typhoid, TB, Hep B & Malaria jabs, possibly only the tablets. she said to check with you as your company go very week.

What sort of temperature will it be also as summer things are plentiful at the moment plus do we have a tour manager yet.

Sorry a bit of a worrier

many thanks


Thanks Olly

its lovely to here from you so quickly, glad to hear lots of others will be sharing the experience.

i will wait to receive your paperwork, have just heard about the change of hotel it looks really nice on website.

hopefully other people will get in touch for a chat before we go



Hi Sue

So far 37 people have booked this holiday so you will have plenty of company.

You will also need to fill in a visa application form, which we will send you in plenty of time before you travel.

Have a great trip!

Kind regards

Olly, your editor


Is it possible to tell me if there are many booked on this trip, i see the 6th and 20th sept seem to have several people booked but I have heard nothing about my trip, this is the first time for me to do a holiday like this on my own.

I have booked jabs with doctor but not sure if I need to do anything else.


sue55 :shy: