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'BGray' wrote:

Hi Debbie did you book the South Africa Explorer afterwards, if so for which date? I can't wait!!

Hi there,

No haven't booked yet still panicking! Pondering Sept 21st.

Hi Laura & Hello,

Yes, what the others say is true - not everyone knows about the Community site or uses it - but that should not worry you. Certainly put another post on later in the year - with the name of your tour and the date you are going - and you are more likely to get a response. Most people try to contact others on their trip quite near to the time they are going.

You will have a great time and meet lots of new people - and then wonder why you were concerned.

We have all 'been there' but it really will be good fun. Your tour manager will take care of you and make sure you don't feel 'left out'.

Have a brilliant holiday!

Be happy,

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Hi Laura.

There is no need to be overly concerned about the Community page. In my experience of 12 Just You Holidays, Plus the two I have booked for this year to Bulgaria and Austria at Easter and in August. Generally the number of people that actually use this community section yend to be only a very small portion of the folk that will be travelling. IN all my trips. I have only ever heard for about 3 or 4 travellers at most. I am sure there will be around 30 fellow travellers with you. You have also picked a great place to start.

Enjoy your trip, And I am sure you will return for more in the future


Hi Debbie did you book the South Africa Explorer afterwards, if so for which date? I can't wait!!
Hi Laura,

I went on this same holiday last Sept. I too posted an enquiry on this site to see if anyone else was going. Didnt hear from others but met lots of great folk while away. Not everyone uses the website nor checks the trips, and who's going. I am sure you will really enjoy it. Its great being based in the one hotel and everyhting is so organised with excursions etc.

Hi Laura,

I'm not going on your trip but it's definitely one I would like to do in the future. I went to Zurich and St.Moritz as a teenager and I've always wanted to go back.

Don't worry about the lack of replies - a lot of JY'ers don't use the forum. I agree with BGray about the time frame. You may see the odd thread about your trip appear a month or two before your departure date and if you haven't that would be the ideal time to submit your own thread.

Hope that helps,

Julian 🙂

'laurak' wrote:


i have posted many threads on here but i have had no replys is this normal?? i ave booked the holiday the heart of alpine europe in oct 4th this year would like to make some friends before i go would you be able to let me know who is going on this holiday so i can get intouch with the poeple and hope they reply,or do you have any other suggestions??


laura knowles

Hi Laura,

Don't worry like others say a lot of people don't use the forum so maybe nobody on your holiday does.

I'm going on the Discover Mallorca holiday in 2 weeks and have posted 3 times but got no replies but I know through Olly that there are 35 of us doing this holiday.

Last year I did 2 JY holidays and did get replies t both when I posted but it was only a small handfull of those on the holiday.


Hi Laura

Don't worry, you aren't doing anything wrong. Not all of our customers use the Community so it might just be that the other people in your group aren't aware of it.

Hopefully you will hear from some others soon.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Laura,

here's a reply for you! I'm not going on your trip but I've looked at it before in the brochure and it's definitely on my list to do, it looks wonderful! I've posted a few threads and I think it's helpful if you always put the name of the holiday in your title and the date, then anyone who is going on it or interested is more likely to see it and respond. Or else put a funny or intriguing title on it, to get people's interest! I've found lots of helpful hints on the forum, which have really been great for planning my hols. Yours is still six months away, so I suggest you wait til a couple of months before you go and start a new thread for your hol and then I'm sure you will be able to contact some folks who are also going. I'm just back from America's Golden West and discovered that a lot of people still didn't know about the forum, so we need to spread the word! Hope this helps.


i have posted many threads on here but i have had no replys is this normal?? i ave booked the holiday the heart of alpine europe in oct 4th this year would like to make some friends before i go would you be able to let me know who is going on this holiday so i can get intouch with the poeple and hope they reply,or do you have any other suggestions??


laura knowles