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Hi Vera

It sounds like the picture is not usable.

But please email your image to us at

I will see if we can attach it for you.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

'Olly' wrote:

Hi Vera

It sounds like the image you are trying to find on your computer isn't suitable. Can you tell me what the image is called? e.g. vera.jpg.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi it says 10054 JPG i do hpoe this helps to solve my problem.


'Olly' wrote:

Hi Vera

It sounds like the image you are trying to find on your computer isn't suitable. Can you tell me what the image is called? e.g. vera.jpg.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

HI Olly, thanks for the reply, it comes up choose a valid file before continuing.


Hi Vera

It sounds like the image you are trying to find on your computer isn't suitable. Can you tell me what the image is called? e.g. vera.jpg.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

'Olly' wrote:

Hi Veelight

Click on 'User CP' at the top of your page.

You'll see a menu on the left of the screen, including the option 'change avatar'. On this next screen, you'll be able to upload a picture that will appear next to your name.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly i have tried to up load my picture, i will say what i did, i went into my page, clicked on change avatar, clicked on browse to up load, but it comes back failed,

What am i doing wrong ?

Thanks Vera

Hi Veelight

Click on 'User CP' at the top of your page.

You'll see a menu on the left of the screen, including the option 'change avatar'. On this next screen, you'll be able to upload a picture that will appear next to your name.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

HoOlly, how do i put my pic on my profile ?