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Hi Cindy

Yes, that's fine. If two people both let me know that they want to be put in touch, I will be happy to share their email addresses.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Re: pms there are fors and against this type of messaging, I am linked in with the the (marines) Royal Navy!!!! LOL don't ask !!!!...we have this facility, but some ladies have had problems I never have?.. but I can understand your concerns..

SO then regarding this do we still have the facilty like the old message boards that if people let you know they want to be linked and give there permission, you can then link us up with our private e-mail addressess???


Hi Julian

We decided not to use the private message function because although I'm sure most Community users would use it responsibly, there was a concern that some might not. So if you do see any references to private messaging, just ignore them.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly,

Thought I'd join in with some techie questions as it's confusing me :huh:

When I open my User CP I sometimes have a messenger facility but at other times I don't. I take it that this messenger facility would allow PMs to be sent to other forum members. When it is visible it doesn't appear to be activated though. I note that I have a check box to choose whether to receive PMs so it would appear that the messenger should be working. So Olly, can you please explain: why does it randomly appear and disappear? how do I stop it disappearing? and how do I switch it on? :-/




I had absolutley no trouble getting the profile picture to upload.. unlike the elephants that took me ages..!!!!

If and when you have sorted out what is what on here, I for one will be interested to know thing's.....I can play around with.



Hi again Cindy

Yes, there are lots of new features to play with. I'm still learning some of them myself and I'm planning to publish a few tips soon. You seem to have got to grips with uploading photos now!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

PS That is a nice profile picture!
Hi Cindy

The notepad is just for your use. You could use it to store tips about your holiday, reminders to yourself to do things before you fly - anything really. It's up to you.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Re my other message what is a personal notepad..???? on th CP do we write on there is that for our use or can others see it...


How good is that I have a profile picture taken with AYers Rock behind me.. 2007


Thank you for this information, is there anything else we should be playing around with ..with this new set I see certain things but have no idea what they me.. that might be an AGE thing..!!
