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Hi Lj462,

This has been done for you 🙂

Many thanks,


Please could I change my username to lj462?
Hi Lucia,

That username is already taken unfortunately. The easiest thing to do is to click on your name at the top of the forum, where it says 'Welcome back' then you can update your username.

Happy to help if there are any problems.

Many thanks



I need to change my username. I’ve been using my email address (as you can see). Would like to change it to Lucia☀️. Thanks if you can help.

Hi John

It isn't possible to change username in your control panel. So I have renamed you as jwb.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

jwb 13 years ago
Hi Ollie,

Is there not a facility to change user name in "manage profile"? If not I would also like to change my user name to JohnB or JWB. Can you help please.

Hi Susan

I have changed your username to susan-m. Your new name includes a hyphen because susanm was already in use.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hello Olly

Can you suggest one that has not been used.


Hello Olly

Can I use SusanM


I'm afraid SusieM has already been taken. Can you give me another name?

Kind regards

Olly, your editor