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Hi Eric

I do understand your point of view but personally I don't think there is anything wrong with discounting as you get closer to departure.

If you are someone who wants to go on a particular holiday at a particular time, it's always a better idea to book early rather than risk missing out.

But if you don't mind so much where or when you go, it can be worth waiting longer and see if you can save any money. The reduced price you pay reflects the fact that you have a reduced choice of holidays.

I also don't think Just You discounts that many holidays compared with some other travel companies.

Thanks for your comments. I will pass them on to my colleagues.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

I think it is important that a holiday firm such as Just You always charges the same price to those going on the same holiday. It does create a feeling of distaste when you find you pay more by booking early than those who wait. Regular late discounts may cause more people to book later and impact on holiday certainty - the result being that the whole holiday process is at risk. It is best to see "the big picture".

If Just You decides to continue with the practice, it may be best to offer a similar value of holiday voucher to those who booked early (as suggested in a previous post).

'liz wrote:

'Veelight' wrote:

'liz wrote:

'Veelight' wrote:

Hi Olly, i see the price of my holiday has droped by £100, im booked to go to Kenya on the 16th of May, as i have already booked this trip befor the price was lowered, will i still get this at the price it is now ?:)

Hi Vera,

this is just to introduce myself, liz,. I am going on the same hliday as you. i am from Northern ireland so will probably be meeting up with you in Heathrow. this will be my first holiday with Just you so it will be v exciting.

speak soon

Hi Liz, so nice to hear from you, im from Scotland so will be flying down from Aberdeen in to Heathrow, i will look forward to meeting you then, this is my first time with JY as well, yes im am excited about going,

Hope to hear from you soon Vera

hi Vera,

i'm glad you asked the question about kenyan money. i will also be taking my credit card just incase!!

This did not say who you were, but im guessing it's Liz, who will be taking your credit card just incase, am i right .......If so hi again Liz ........... Vera

'Veelight' wrote:

'liz wrote:

'Veelight' wrote:

Hi Olly, i see the price of my holiday has droped by £100, im booked to go to Kenya on the 16th of May, as i have already booked this trip befor the price was lowered, will i still get this at the price it is now ?:)

Hi Vera,

this is just to introduce myself, liz,. I am going on the same hliday as you. i am from Northern ireland so will probably be meeting up with you in Heathrow. this will be my first holiday with Just you so it will be v exciting.

speak soon

Hi Liz, so nice to hear from you, im from Scotland so will be flying down from Aberdeen in to Heathrow, i will look forward to meeting you then, this is my first time with JY as well, yes im am excited about going,

Hope to hear from you soon Vera

hi Vera,

i'm glad you asked the question about kenyan money. i will also be taking my credit card just incase!!

'BGray' wrote:

The price can go up as well as down, my South Africa trip is now £36 more expensive than when I booked it! As the old saying goes, you pays your money and you takes your chances. I'd prefer to book early and get the holiday and dates I want, rather than risking missing out!

Hi BJ, i do agree with you, but as they say if you don't ask you will never get or know,

But this is why i booked early so i did not miss out on the holiday i wanted so much.


'liz wrote:

'Veelight' wrote:

Hi Olly, i see the price of my holiday has droped by £100, im booked to go to Kenya on the 16th of May, as i have already booked this trip befor the price was lowered, will i still get this at the price it is now ?:)

Hi Vera,

this is just to introduce myself, liz,. I am going on the same hliday as you. i am from Northern ireland so will probably be meeting up with you in Heathrow. this will be my first holiday with Just you so it will be v exciting.

speak soon

Hi Liz, so nice to hear from you, im from Scotland so will be flying down from Aberdeen in to Heathrow, i will look forward to meeting you then, this is my first time with JY as well, yes im am excited about going,

Hope to hear from you soon Vera

'Veelight' wrote:

Hi Olly, i see the price of my holiday has droped by £100, im booked to go to Kenya on the 16th of May, as i have already booked this trip befor the price was lowered, will i still get this at the price it is now ?:)

Hi Vera,

this is just to introduce myself, liz,. I am going on the same hliday as you. i am from Northern ireland so will probably be meeting up with you in Heathrow. this will be my first holiday with Just you so it will be v exciting.

speak soon

The price can go up as well as down, my South Africa trip is now £36 more expensive than when I booked it! As the old saying goes, you pays your money and you takes your chances. I'd prefer to book early and get the holiday and dates I want, rather than risking missing out!
Hi Vera

We now have 10 people on this tour - two men and eight women.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

'Olly' wrote:

Hi Veelight

So far nine people have booked your holiday.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly, are they mixed or more male or female please.

Thanks Vera