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Thanks for this. I will just have to pluck up courage and join in without being too intrusive. As you say, there are always some people who are travelling alone and I am just so pleased that Just You accommodate us.

Thanks again


I was travelling solo when I met a lady on a USA tour who I have since travelled with to the USA, and again solo travelling when I met another lady on a Poland Tour who I have since travelled to Austrian Lakes, and this year we are going on Safari. Allthough we travel together we do not exclude other people we allways spread ourself around. To meet and chat and include others. I also still travel on tours on my own, so can relate to both types of travel. I think sometimes people meet someone they get on with and they then become a travel friend.

I am sorry if anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, have a word with the rep and maybe they can have a word with the whole group about all mixing intogether, or sitting in different seats on coaches or tables, as in mixing the pairs up a bit, it might work.

I always take a couple of books incase I end up alone or in my room, but I have NEVER!! yet read a book on a JY tour, far to much to see and do. I shall still travel solo, or if one of my holiday buddies wants to tag along then that's fine as well.

Good Luck..Cindy

Hi ThomasThe vast majority of Just You customers do travel on their own but, as you point out, a minority do prefer to travel with a friend or relative. This may be because they want some extra reassurance or because they met on a previous Just You holiday, enjoyed themselves and want to repeat the experience.I do understand your point, as nobody likes to interrupt two people chatting away who know each other well. However, meeting new people is a big part of the Just You experience and I'm sure that the handful of people travelling with a friend or relative are just as keen to make new friends as you. If they were not, they would probably have arranged a holiday just for the two of them.So I would recommend just saying hello - in most cases I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Another option is to have a word with your tour manager, who will be more than happy to make introductions and help bring your group together.Kind regards,Olly, your editor
I have been on a few Just You Holidays but have noticed ,each time ,that many places are being taken up by friends who don't want to pay the single room supplement which other holidays would require. This makes it really awkward to join in as they are established in groups before the holiday begins and you end up on your own which wasn't really the idea. Has anyone else noticed this and, if so, how do you overcome it without intruding.