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Dear JustAndy103

Many thanks for your contribution- I actually went on this holiday back in May and had a great time. I need not have concerned myself with either of the potential problems which I queried.

The weather was baking hot every day with not a cloud in the sky.

However, thanks for your advice which I shall remember for the future.

Best wishes on your travels.

Alan- villagevoice


Not wishing to interfer. But the reason jeans are not ideal for walking type holidays. Is because if jeans get wet. Apart from becoming uncomfortable and heavy, as they absorb the water. They take along time to dry out.Then if you become too wet, you will get cold, and then not enjoy the walk. Where as if you visit a high street out door shop, or camping shop. They have trousers that dry out while walking, Therefore preventing such walking injuries as Hypothermia and heat exhaustion. In addition when it is very hot. Jeans have difficulty in making the body breathe properly,Making you sweat more. Hence you will not cool down properly. If you pop into one of those shops , just mentioned they should be able to supply reasonably priced trousers that are for the purpose of walking.

Regards Andy

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your message.

All information regarding Just You walks is given purely on an advisery basis. If you are happy wearing jeans and a good quality pair of trainers that you regularly walk in, this attire will be fine. I think jeans were mentioned as a procaution incase they get wet, as it wouldnt be very comfortable to continue walking in them. However there is not a specific dress code in place for our walking holidays and these were simply given as a guideline, maybe for unexperienced walkers rather than ureself.

I hope this has helped, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Many thanks

Cheryl, your editor

I have just received my confirmation of my May holiday booking. I was somewhat surprised to read the line "Jeans are not recommended wear for walking"- particularly as there was no mention in the brochure. I would have thought this type of general purpose trouser would be ideal but, if not, why not? And furthermore what would you suggest instead?

Coupled with this is the question of footwear which, here again the confirmation is talking of proper walking boots but there was no mention of this in the brochure. I booked this holiday on the basis of 1-3 hour walks(say about 5 miles) per day over a general rural landscape and my intention is to wear a pair of quality trainers. I am perfectly fit and healthy and walk such distances regularly but if some additional specialist footwear is required perhaps you would let me know.

Many thanks.