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Sorted thanks - my passport should be waiting for me at check in on Sunday, so fingers are crossed
Hi Jools

I'm sorry to hear there was a problem with your visa. I hope everything has been sorted out now.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Morgana

I hope your documents have arrived by now. If not, give us a ring on 0844 567 8844 with your booking ref handy.

Your plan for changing money sounds good to me.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

I phoned this afternoon to chase my documents to find there is a problem with the visa and I should receive a letter today with relevant form and need to send off with passport (travelling on 12th sept so now v stressed). Re documents not atually sure now if I will be getting them or not.........was looking forward to the holiday now worried I won't be going!
I was hoping that the final documents (that still haven't yet arrived today (31st))would give me the info re: currency. I read elsewhere that one should change it in China and make sure we change it back before returning, so planned to take sterling and do just that.
Hi Morgana

Your final information should be arriving any day now, so don't worry. If you haven't received this by the end of the week, give us a ring on 0844 567 8844.

As for currency, you can usually order some from your bank. Bear in mind that just about everything is included in this holiday so you will only really need money for presents and other things that catch your eye.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

I haven't yet received my final documents / flight times and need to arrange lifts. When will they arrive ?

Also need to know what currency to take. I thought taking Sterling and changing it at the hotel would be easiest?
