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Hi Jaya

Great news - fingers crossed a few more will see your message too.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

Thanks for your mail. I have now heard from Lesley, who is one of my fellow travellers! Hopefully will hear from a few more before the trip.



Hi Jaya

You should receive all your final documents about three weeks before departure, so let me know if you haven't seen anything by then.

The age range of your group is from mid-30s to early 80s, so there should be a good mix of people.

I wouldn't worry too much about not hearing from your fellow travellers. Not all of of our customers are signed up to the Community, so it may just be that they haven't seen your message.

Not long to go now!

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

I would be grateful if you could let me know when we will be receiving the tickets / final documents for this trip. I have to book National Express and need confirmed flight times. Also, what is the age range of fellow travellers?

I know you confirmed that there are 16 of us going on this trip, but I feel as if I will be going on my own as, despite posting three messages on different dates, I have not heard from any fellow travellers!! I am looking forward to meeting my 'elusive' travel companions!



Hi Jaya,

The female to male ratio on this trip will be 3 to 1, with 16 people going altogether.

Less than two months to go now!

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

Could you please let me know the male:female ratio and what is the age range of the fellow travellers? I am getting really excited about my first solo trip to Jordan!

