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Hi Steve

I've checked with the people who are organising this holiday and they tell me it is definitely going ahead, so nothing to worry about.

Have a great time.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Thanks for your reply, Peru looks fantastic which is why I'm so eager to go!After I sent my message to you I had an idea and rang the booking number and they told me there's 8 people booked onto the trip but they need 10 to make sure it goes this true or could they still run the trip with this number? Thanks Steve...
Hi Steve

Your tour is now more than half full, so I'm sure it will be going ahead.

Peru really is a magical country - I was there a few years ago and saw many of the sights you'll be seeing. Macchu Picchu is even more amazing than you might be imagining!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi...I'm booked on the above tour in April. I had previously booked onto this in February this year but it got cancelled due to not enough people wanting to go on that date. As I had to do some grovelling at work to reschedule my annual leave I'm praying that this date is still going ahead? Could you tell me if there are enough people now booked onto this trip? ( My boss will go mad if I have to change my dates again ). Thanks... Steve.