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Hi Monica

I've updated your profile so you should be able to upload photos now.

Let me know if you have any problems.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor


Ive just returned from my first just you holiday and i would like to put my photos on but it wont give me the option.i have entered the holiday code and it has come up with japan.but i still cant get the opion to download the photos.


Hi Lesley

I've added the Ahr Valley holiday to your profile, so you should be able to upload your album now. Let me know if you have any problems.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Lesley

I've asked our IT department to look into this for you. Can you you let me know if you see a message on your screen when your attempts at uploading don't work? This will help them resolve the issue for you.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly,

I am having my first attempt at creating my own photo album. Firstly, I have just returned from Walking in the Ahr Valley, my fourth holiday with JUst You, so I was going to use those photos. However, this holiday is not listed for me yet on the 'create your own album' choice. So instead I tried to creat an album for Christmas in the Dolomites, which was listed, but although I chose my first photo, gave the title and a caption, when I pressed 'Upload' it did not go into the photo frame. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong please.
