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Hi Helen,

The following vaccinations are recommended.....

Hepatitis A

2 weeks before travel


3 months before travel

Yellow fever

Certificate of vaccination may be required 10 days before travel*

*Certain countries require a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate if you arrives (even in transit) from a country where yellow fever is present. If you arrive from a country without yellow fever, there is no requirement for a yellow fever vaccination.

I hope this helps. I do always say that to make sure that the information I have given is correct, just check with your GP.

Kind regards,

Cheryl, your editor

Thanks for confirming what I thought too.

11 weeks tomorrow til I go! I am really looking forward to it. I wish it was sooner!!!

One more question (sorry!) Do I have to have to have any travel vaccinations?

Hi again Helen,

I havent come across anything about torches. I think you are right, it is probably referring to the more remote parts. maybe to people who are travelling the whole country over a few months?

I think you should be fine on this holiday as you will be staying in hotels, however if it puts your mind at rest, there can be no harm in packing one anyway.

I hope this helps....sorry to not be much use on this particular subject!!

Its not long now, about 3 months. Very exciting!

Kind regards,

Cheryl, your editor

Thanks Cheryl

In the guides I read it said about a torch incase the electric goes. Im now thinking this could be in the more remote areas of China that were mentioned?

Hi Helen,

You are travelling to China during the winter months, which is ideal as you will avoid the usual crowds. However, remember that you will need to wrap up warm by wearing several layers of clothing to combat the cold, as much of your time will be spent outside, sightseeing. You will need to take with you a winter coat, hat, gloves and warm comfortable footwear.

Travelling to China during the winter months is ideal as you will avoid the usual crowds. However, please remember that you will need to wrap up warm by wearing several layers of clothing to combat the cold, as much of your time will be spent outside, sightseeing. You will need to take with you a winter coat, hat, gloves and warm comfortable footwear.

Travelling to China during the winter months is ideal as you will avoid the usual crowds. However, please remember that you will need to wrap up warm by wearing several layers of clothing to combat the cold, as much of your time will be spent outside, sightseeing. You will need to take with you a winter coat, hat, gloves and warm comfortable footwear.Travelling to China during the winter months is ideal as you will avoid the usual crowds. However, please remember that you will need to wrap up warm by wearing several layers of clothing to combat the cold, as much of your time will be spent outside, sightseeing. You might want to take a hat and gloves, just in case.

The average temperatures will be:

Beijing 10 degrees

Xain 11 degrees

The further south you travel the warmer it becomes so Shanghai is quite pleasant, even in the winter.

Overall November is cool but sunny.

I have searched on several travel guides for China and have not come across anything about taking a torch. What reason does it give in your books for this?

I can look further into this for you?

If I can help you with anything else, please let me know.

Warm wishes,

Cheryl, your editor

hiya cheryl

thanks for getting back to me.

i will look forward to meeting the people on my holiday.

what is the climate going to be like on the trip in the different parts of china we go to?

i have been reading various guide books on china and they reccomend taking a torch, is this a good idea or not necessary?

hope you can help.


Hi Helen,

At the moment there are 20 people booked out of a possible 35. This is a very popular tour so I have no doubt that by the time you travel, this will be fully booked.

I am happy to give you any information that you require. Is there anything in particular you would like to know? Currency, climate etc?

Warm wishes,

Cheryl, your editor

Hiya cheryl

I am booked on this trip and am looking forward to it very much

Can you tell me how many people will be on this trip?

Is there anything else I need to know before I go?Thanks