We send out an a ETA (visa) form for you to fill in and send back to us, but it's possible this has gone missing in the post.
However, it's nothing to worry about - the ETA can be sorted out on arrival in Australia, with the help of your tour manager.
Kind regards,
Olly, your editor
Got my tickets ok for Aust.Nov.2nd.what about my visa?
Regards Andy
Thanks Olly
We will be sending your final documentation in plenty of time, usually around three weeks before departure, so I'd be very surprised if a postal strike caused a problem.
If it does, we will give you the reference number for your e-ticket over the phone (you don't need a ticket to check in) and we will hand any other documents to our tour manager or airport rep to give to you in person.
So nothing to worry about!
I am just wondering & what alternative arrangements justyou will use to send tickets & travel documents if the Post office do have a general strike?
Thanks in advance
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