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Thats great Olly :-)

Many thanks for your help.

Cant wait to go!

All the best,


Hello Sharon

Good news: there's nothing to worry about. I've checked with the people organising your tour and it will definitely be going ahead. If the group does end up being only 10 people, you'll certainly all get to know one another and benefit from having more of the tour manager's time.

By the way, you are allowed to take 6,000 yuan into the country (about £400), so you would be fine taking 600 yuan.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hello Olly,

You have been a fantastic help..many thanks!

I was going to take 600 yuan,so Im so glad you told me I could only take in 400 pounds worth.

Do you suggest I get a credit card and get the rest there?

Oh the hotel sounds nice :-)

10 people,thanks..thats not many,my mom asked me to ask you this queston as she worrys my trip might be cancelled if not enough people book for it.I would hate that to happen.

Even if only 10 people go,would the trip have to be cancelled in the end? I would dread that after saving for a year.

Many thanks on your reply Olly.


Hi Sharon

Sorry for the delay - I have your answers now.

So far 10 people have booked your tour and there are still plenty of places available so the number is likely to rise.

You can buy yuan in the UK. The Post Office certainly sells it and you can probably order yuan through your bank, too. Don't leave it too late, though, as it might take a few days to arrive. Also bear in mind that you may only take up to £400 worth of Yuan into China.

Your hotel in Shanghai is the four-star Shanghai Hotel, No.505 Wulumuqi Road North.

It sounds like a wonderful trip - I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Knd regards,

Olly, your editor

Hello Olly,

Im going on this trip on Aprill 29th Could you tell me how many are booked for this trip..and how many places there is?

Also can I buy Yuan in the UK.Im thinking of buying my currency in a month or so.

Lastly Do you know what hotel it be in Shanghai,as its not in the brocure,and I love to know,to have a look at it at trip advisor.

Sorry on all these questons.

Thanks for your time!
