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Hello Penny, thank you for such positive feedback!

Kind regards

James, your editor

Hi Olly,

Can I congratulate you and your team on another fantastic 'Inspirations' Magazine.It is always packed full and so well put together.

I was particularly interested in the article on holidays out of School Term times.As a teacher myself, I can fully appreciate the comments from both sides.I realise that School Holiday dates would be more expensive, but I think you'd find that in the main, teachers salaries can cope! There's a lot of single teachers out there!I know other Single Holiday Companies do holidays during School breaks but I like 'Just You'! Keep up the good work at hunting down breaks during these times!


Penny Carter


Magazine received yesterday, thank you..some good articles in there.

Hi Cindy

I've put a copy into the post for you today, so it should be with you by the end of the week.

Thanks again for telling us about your experience of the Just You Community - I hope you like the interview!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor


Still no inspirations Mag through my door. So if you could arrange for one to be popped into the post, THANKS.


Hi Cindy,

I have often wondered who 'Nixon' was. I knew your name was Cindy and that you use the Community section often. You even offered me advice for hotels at Gatwick for my up and coming trip to Austria in May.

So as you say, the Community section is good for keeping in touch and gaining information from other JY people.

JustAndy103 is also very prolific on the Community section,so perhaps we will see an article about him in a future issue.

Incidently, my username LovelyLesley1 is not me being bigheaded - it is a name given by a tour manager on a Nile cruise for our group 'the Lovelies' and we have kept it, so there is more than one Lovely (they just do not all use the website). It has become my username but I have always been intrigued as to why you chose 'Nixon' as yours. Maybe you will enlighten me at some point.

Be happy best wishes,


Hi Cindy

If your copy still hasn't turned up by early next week, let me know - I'll put a copy in the post for you.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

My Mother in Law rang me yesterday to say a pic and article from me is in this, but I stillhave not had mine through the post I shall give it a couple more day's. Lookingforward to seeing it.


Hi Lesley

Thanks for your praise - and I'm very pleased to hear you are enjoying the latest issue of our magazine.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly,

Wow I am impressed! Just received my copy of the JY magazine and there is a quote from me. So you do take note of what we say then. I know not all JY people use the Community section but for those of us who do, it is a great way to get information and ideas for future holidays and catch up with people we have met on previous trips. I have now spent the last 2 Christmases with friends I made on my first JY Christmas trip and other trips since. I see that there are always new people who are nervous - I remember that feeling - but I know they will soon relax and enjoy themselves as our tour managers always make sure we have a good time. Keep up the good work Just You and thanks for all your hard work.

Be happy, best wishes,
