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Hello seychelles85, Peru in December has very nice weather indeed. It falls between 20 and 25 degrees celcius, perhaps a bit cooler in the evening, so it is a very comfortable type of weather. Be sure to take short sleeved tops, shorts, and some thin trousers also. There is a chance that you may encounter some rain as well, as Peru's rainy season beings towards the end of December. You will avoid the wettest time of the year, but I still advise taking a thin waterproof coat as back up.

I hope this information helps and if you have any further queries then feel free to message me.

Kind regards

James, your editor


I am thinking of going on the Peru trip in December, what is the weather likely to be like then , as every forecast I look at gives conflicting information.

Hi Heather

On the subject of what to wear, the key is to have lots of layers to hand. Because you are at high altitude for much of the trip, it can be hot when the sun is out then turn cold when cloudy. A t-shirt and a thick fleece is a good solution, as you can tie the jacket around your waist when it gets hot.

Humidity wasn't a factor on my visit. At this higher altitude the air is fairly thin and crisp, so I wouldn't worry at all about your camera.

For anything to do with jabs, I would urge you to talk to your GP's surgery or NHS Direct, as they will know much more about it. I think I had a yellow fever jab when I went, so that might be something to ask about. A good insect repellant is definitely a good idea (some sun creams include it).

You won't need to be superfit. No one on your trip will need to do any more walking than they are comfortable with, as we want everyone to enjoy themselves.

As for guidebooks, I like the Rough Guide and Lonely Planet, but have a look in your bookshop and see which ones appeal to you. For example, some have more pictures than others.

One thing to look out for is the painting of the Last Supper in Cuzco cathedral, featuring a guinea pig at the centre of the feast! The guinea pig is a delicacy here, and the painting is a fascinating example of the Spanish conquerors trying to make their catholic beliefs more acceptable to the locals.

Let me know if you have any more questions - Peru is one of my favourite countries!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Thanks Olly, any information at all would be most welcome. I know that I will need jabs, wear light clothing, cover up to protect against bites and pack fly repellent. I don't know whether I need to buy anything to protect my camera from the humidity or whether common sense is all that is needed. I wonder about the average size of the group, whether you need to be super fit? Will we venture into the Amazon rainforest on foot? Would you recommend any guide book? My list could go on because this holiday is so different from anything else I have done. I look forward to hearing from you.

Regards from Heather

Hi Heather,

I'm afraid I will need permission from Patricia before I can send her your details, but if she reads this and gets in touch with me, I'll be very happy to forward your email address.

In the meantime, is there anything you'd like to ask me? I spent three weeks in Peru a few years ago and visited all of the places on your main tour. It really is the holiday of a lifetime!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Dear Olly,

I am booked to go in June and know that it is a long time away but I am trying to find out all I can about the Peru trip with Amazon add-on. I saw a previous query posted about the same trip taken this year in June and wondered whether you would be able to pass my e-mail address on to Patricia Spencer ref 16.05.08 11.15.03 and see whether she would kindly share her experiences and advice with me.

Thank you from Heather.